Brie and Tomato Tart

This brie and tomato tart is my entertaining ‘cheat’ recipe. Its adapted from Christine Stevens’ Harvest Recipe Book. Since discovering it, I usually always have a roll of frozen pastry in my freezer, just in case. The combination of tomatoes, basil and brie is delicious. It’s so easy, very tasty and your guests will love it.

Tomato and Brie Tart

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Justin Bonello’s ECO Audit

by Justin Bonello


As you may or may not know, I’ve made it my mission this year to cut my costs of living in half in whatever way, shape and form possible. So a couple of weeks I decided to kickstart this whole process by getting an ECO AUDIT done at my house. It’s an assessment to determine your electricity consumption, what resources are being used and how you can make your household more efficient and, more importantly, save money!

Read moreJustin Bonello’s ECO Audit

Yummy Crunchies

I love the idea of baking with my son but have to admit, I find it a bit stressful. I usually end up doing most of it which kind of defeats the object of baking together. This is my fail safe “baking” recipe to do with him. So quick and simple, easy for kids to help out with and tasty too.


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